
Showing posts from November, 2017


IMPORTANT  WELDING  INTERVIEW QUESTION & ANSWER:  Q: What is welding? Ans: The process of joining two similar or dissimilar metals by fusion, with or without fusion, with or without application of pressure and with or without the use of filler metal Q: How many type of welding? Ans: Basically two types of welding are there 1)       Forge or pressure welding 2)       Fusion or Non Pressure welding Other subclass welding are spot welding, Seam welding, Electric arc welding, Gas welding, thermit welding, Submerged  arc welding, TIG, MIG etc Q: Write down the welding join name? Ans: The commonly used joint in fusion welding are lap joint, butt joint, corner joint, edge joint, T-joint Q: What is Arc welding? Ans: It is a fusion welding process is which the welding heat is obtained from an electric arc struck between the work (base metal) and an electrode. The temperature of heat produced by the electric arc is of the o...


IMPORTANT  PUMP  INTERVIEW QUESTION & ANSWER: Q: What is pump? Pump is a mechanical device that converts mechanical energy to fluid energy. Q: What is the function of the pump? A pump produces liquid movement or flow: it does not generate pressure. It produces the flow necessary for the development of pressure which is a function of resistance to fluid flow in the system. Q: Name different types centrifugal pumps? Multistage pumps, Process type pumps, Chemical process pumps, canned motor pumps, Paper stroke pumps and deep well turbine pumps. Q: Name different types of rotary pumps? External gear pumps, Internal gear pumps, sanitary type pumps, External screw pumps, three screw pumps, Swinging and sliding vane pumps and Flexible rotor pumps. Q: Name different types of reciprocating pumps? Steam pumps, Power pumps, Metering pumps, Axial piston pumps and Sucker rod pumps. Q: Explain what is positive and non-positive displacement? Positive displacement pump are those which dis...


IMPORTANT  BEARING  INTERVIEW QUESTION & ANSWER: Q: What is a bearing? What are the different types of bearings? Bearing is a device that helps smoother movement with minimal friction which in turn helps enhances efficiency and speed. Considering two types of loading, radial and thrust, there are different types of bearings which help handle these loads. The basic difference in the types of loads is essentially due to their ability to handle weight and different kinds of loads for various applications. Different types of bearings are: -Ball bearing -Roller bearing -Ball Thrust bearing -Roller thrust bearing -Tapered roller bearing -Magnetic bearings -Giant Roller Bearing Q: What are the functions of a bearing? ·          To guide the shaft. ·          To support the shaft. ·          To give free rotation to the shaft. Q: Explain briefly about friction an...


IMPORTANT I,C, ENGINE INTERVIEW QUESTION & ANSWER: Q: What is a I.C Engine? It is a heat engine in which the chemical energy of combustion is released inside the engine cylinder, thus fuel is fired inside the cylinder. It is more useful as compared to the other engines. Q: What do you meant by a petrol engine? It is a spark ignition engine. The induced charge in its cylinder consists of a mixture of air and fuel. The fuel used in it can be vaporized readily. The petrol engine can operated on the compression-ignition principle. Q: What is a diesel engine? It is an engine in which low grade oil is used. The fuel is ignited by the heat of air in this engine. Q: What is a two stroke petrol engine? It is a simple engine having Piston, Connecting rod and Crankshaft. Valves and valve actuating accessories are eliminated because intake and exhaust gases accomplished by the opening in the cylinder wall which are controlled by the piston. This type of engine has a small horse power output. Q...


IMPORTANT BOILER IMPORTANT QUESTION & ANSWER:  Q: What is the function of a Boiler? A Boiler supplies dry and saturated steam at the required pressure. Q: Briefly explain the Boiler mounting, and name its classifications? A particular apparatus or equipment is placed on the boiler to improve its safety, maintenance convenience and steam supply, is known as Boiler mounting. Following are the different Boiler mountings Water level Supply valves Pressure gauge Stop valve Feed check valve Blow off cock Anti printing pipe Fusible plugs etc Q: Why large boilers are water tube type? Ans: Water tube boilers raise steam fast because of large heat transfer area and positive water circulation. Thus they respond faster to fluctuations in demand. Further single tube failure does not lead to catastrophe. Q: What is a valve? A valve is used to control the flow of fluid inside the pipeline FOR DETAILS SEE THE VIDEO :

"Bd jobs AMCAT Employ-ability Test" Sample question for Mechanical Engineer

Sample Questions  Automotive Engineering 1.  For which of the following reason(s) is it advisable to lubricate all moving parts of an engine?      A . To increase friction      B. To reduce friction       C. To increase velocity      D. To reduce velocity  Ans: a) Only A      b) Only B      c) Both A and C   d) Both A and D 2. What is the use of Damper spring in a clutch system?    A. Softens the torsional vibration produced when the friction plate is pressed by the pressure plate  b.  To exert          pressure on the driven plate    B. Store kinetic energy and release it when needed,    C. None of the above. .......................................................................................CONTINUE  Production Engineering 1. Study the statements and choos...


কারেন্ট অ্যাফেয়ার্স নভেম্বর থেকে ...... ♦ বর্তমান অর্থ সচিব = মোহাম্মদ মুসলিম চৌধুরী। ♦ BRRI উদ্ভাবিত মোট ধানের জাত = ৮৬ টি।হাইব্রিড ধানের জাত ৬ টি। ♦ ICT বা আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ আদালত বর্তমান চেয়ারম্যান = বিচারপতি মো . শাহিনুর ইসলাম। ♦ মগবাজার - মৌচাক উড়ালসেতুরর দৈর্ঘ্য = ৮ . ৭০ কিমি। ♦ কাতালোনিয়ার স্বাধীনকামী নেতা = কার্লোস পুজদেমন। রাজধানী - বার্সেলোনা। ♦ নিউজিল্যান্ডের বর্তমান ও তৃতীয় নারী প্রধানমন্ত্রী = জাসিন্দা আর্দার্ন। ♦ UNESCO ১১ তম ও বর্তমান মহাপরিচালক = আদ্রেঁ আজুলে ( ফ্রান্স ) । ♦ ইন্টারপোল এর বর্তমান সদস্য = ১৯২। ( সলোমন দ্বীপপুঞ্জ সর্বশেষ ) ♦ Cop 23 অনুষ্ঠিত হবে ৬ - ১৭ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ বন , জার্মানি। ২৪ তম Cop 24 অনুষ্ঠিত হবে ৫ - ১৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৮ কেটুইয়েস , পোল্যান্ড। ♦ দেশে দারিদ্রের হার = ২৪ . ৩ % । অতি দারিদ্রের হার - ১২ . ৯ % । ♦ দারিদ্রের হার সর্বাধিক = কুড়িগ্রাম জেলায়।কম - নারায়ণগঞ্জ জেলায়। ♦ বাংলাদেশর জনসংখ্যা = ১৬ . ৪৭ কোটি।বিশ্ব জনসংখ্যা রিপোর্ট অনুযায়ী। বৃদ্ধিরর হার - ১ . ১ % । # সাম্প্...