Top 50 automobile question Part-2 Video
This is our second (part-2) tutorial video. In this video describe about the most updated new automobile Interview Question & Answer-For Fresher & Experience person for mechanical background. We suggest this Top new automobile Technical question helping a Fresher & Experience mechanical person to get a desired job. This automobile Interview Question & Answer help a mechanical student to enrich their technical knowledge.
Here are description of the total 50 question & answer is elaborate describe in the video
Q.N. 51: what is the difference between shaft and axle?
Q.N.52: What is Octane Number and Cetane Number?
Q.N. 53 What is Hit & Miss governing in IC engines?
Q. N.54: What is overhauling?
Q.N.55: What is the purpose of Scrapper Ring?
Q.N.56: What is DTSI Technology?
Q.N.57: What is DTSI? Why it is used in motor bikes?
Q.N.58: What are the advantages of DTSI over normal engines?
Q.N.59: Which Mechanism is used in Automobile gearing System?
Q.N. 60: What is the difference between scavenging and supercharging?
Q.N. 61: What are functions of clutch?
Q.N 62: Difference between clutches to torque converter?
Q.N. 63: What is synchronizer?
Q.N: 64: What is connecting rod of an I.C Engine?
Q.N.65: What is the purpose of Scrapper Ring?
Q.N.66: What is the purpose of fuel injector pump in the engine?
Q.N.67: What are the uses of air scooper?
Q.N.68: What is a cross head of a steam engine?
Q.N.69: What’s diff b/w normal break system and (ABS) anti break system?
Q.N.70: What do you understand by the concept of a 6 stroke engine? Explain how it works?
Q.N71: Explain why diesel engine is known as high torque and petrol engine as high speed engine?
Q.N.72: Why do heavy vehicles use diesel engine?
Q.N.73: Why gas containers are mostly in a cylindrical shape?
Q.N 74: Why diesel is called as quality governed?
Q.N.75: Why heavy vehicles are made by diesel engine?
Q.N 76: What will happen if diesel is used instead of petrol in Si engine?
Q.N 77: What happens if gasoline is used in a Diesel Engine, Diesel Engine will work?
Q.N 78: Why excess air is required to burn a fuel completely?
Q.N.79: Which one is more efficient A four stroke engine or two stroke and why?
Q.N.80: How a Diesel Engine Works as Generator?
Q.N. 81: Explain the technical difference between LPG and Petrol in an IC engine?
Q.N.82: Why diesel engines are called as high torque engines and petrol engines as high speed engines?
Q.N. 83: Why are petrol and diesel are most popular among fuels used in I.C. engine?
Q.N.84: Why the thermal efficiency of the engine decreases at part load?
Q.N.85: advantage & disadvantage of using LPG in car?
Q.N.86: What causes crankcase explosion?
Q.N 87: Why does most of the vehicle have disc brake only in the front axle?
Q.N88: what is the function of a pt pump of a dg set?
Q.N89: what is breather in a diesel engine? State its function.
Q.N 90: How many volts required to fire spark plug?
Q.N.91: function of the strainer in IC engine?
Q.N.92: what is material used for piston in IC engine& why?
Q.N.93: Why tires are ever made black?
Q.N.94 What is cut off ratio in IC Engines? Give proper definitions?
Q.N.95 : What are the procedures of starting of diesel engine?
Q.N.96: Arrange the efficiency of the engine in decreasing order Otto, Diesel, dual?
Q.N. 97:What is a pressure relief valve in a diesel generator?
Q.N.98: why turbo charger used in D.G.?
Q.N.99: How does a super charger work in a car?
Q.N.100: What is the cause of major loss in efficiency of an IC engine?
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